For Immediate Release
July 6, 2023

Thompson Okanagan Prominently Featured in National Epicurean Guide
The Great Taste of Canada draws attention to delicious bounty of the region

Kelowna, B.C. - The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) welcomes the culinary tourism initiative, the Great Taste of Canada, to the region to tell the delicious food stories of the interior of British Columbia. A true smorgasbord of gastronomic journeys that are shaped by the rich history, heritage, and cultures from locals and Indigenous peoples. Canada is more than just maple syrup and poutine (though there certainly is that) and now travellers have an insider’s guide on how to truly experience the best foodways.
The Thompson Okanagan’s diverse climate and geography - paired with the many talented, growers, makers and artisans - provide an ideal environment for agricultural farming and incredible culinary experiences to flourish. From farmlands to orchards, the bounty of the Thompson Okanagan, provides fresh and seasonal ingredients to local restaurants, making it a food lover's dream. The Great Taste of Canada showcases a variety of culinary experiences, unforgettable adventures and unparalleled sensory experiences unique to their locales in Vernon, Shuswap, Osoyoos, Kamloops and Kelowna.
Vernon: A foodie paradise awaits. Celebrate the bounty of the North Okanagan from street-side cafés to farm-to-table locales, Vernon culinary scene boasts an abundance of unique flavours. Enjoy farmers’ markets and the famed Davison Orchards; discover agri-tourism based Planet Bee Honey Farm and Meadery; sample award-winning spirits, brews and ciders at Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery, Marten Brewing Company and Cambium Cider Co.
Shuswap: A relatively undiscovered food lovers’ paradise awaits. Agriculturally rich, the Shuswap boasts over 600 farms. A farm-to-table experience beckons at Timber Shuswap by Chef Chris Whittaker features upscale Canadian cuisine, with appreciation for the community and passion for local farmers, ranchers, producers, wineries and breweries. Whittaker was inducted into the BC Restaurant Hall of Fame in 2015.
Osoyoos: Known for its world-class wineries and bountiful vineyards and orchards, food experiences in the South Okanagan can't be missed. Taste modern cuisine with Indigenous roots at The Bear, The Fish, The Root & The Berry; get hands-on at regenerative farm Covert Farms Family Estate; or book a unique culinary experience at Backyard Farm Chef’s Table by Chef Chris Van Hooydonk.
Kamloops: The culinary scene in the Thompson is all about bold flavours and farm-to-table freshness. From savouring locally sourced ingredients to sipping on award-winning wines, there's no shortage of delicious dishes and libations to explore. The Noble Pig Brewhouse is Kamloops’ first and only Microbrewery; discover innovative dishes, refreshing cocktails and an extensive wine menu at the all new Katch Craft Kitchen + Bar; or sample Woodward Cider Co.’s small-batch ciders engineered to perfection using only BC apples.
Kelowna: Fresh flavours abound in the Central Okanagan. Think ripe cherries, juicy peaches and crisp apples; internationally acclaimed wines; award-winning winery based restaurants; and memorable farm-to-table eateries. The Okanagan Table offers a unique culinary journey through chef-led demo & dine cooking classes, wine education seminars and tastings and private events.
The Great Taste of Canada is an initiative by The Culinary Tourism Alliance made possible with support from the Tourism Industry Association of Canada and brings together over 40 destinations, sector organizations, and tourism stakeholders from coast to coast to coast to share and tell the delicious stories of Canadian foodways and taste of place experiences.
For more information, visit or follow @canadaculinary on social media.
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About Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association:
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is a not-for-profit society that represents a geographic area nestled in the Southern Interior of British Columbia, Canada. The region’s name is derived from two major geographic features: the Thompson River and Okanagan Lake. TOTA plays a support, leadership and growth role in the tourism industry for this region. It aims to stimulate ongoing sustainable growth by embracing the value of tourism through community engagement, innovative leadership in promoting authentic experiences, and inspiring creative collaboration. Key TOTA initiatives include; Biosphere Certified Gold Destination, 7 Affirmations Pledge, and Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism.
For more information about TOTA visit, or visit the consumer facing website Connect socially at @thompson_okanagan
About the Culinary Tourism Alliance:
The Culinary Tourism Alliance works with communities to grow food tourism by leveraging the history, heritage, and culture behind the food and drink that makes each destination unique. Our mission is to ensure food tourism is a meaningful and sustainable contributor to local economies in destinations worldwide. Find out more at
About the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC):
Based in Ottawa, TIAC takes action on behalf of Canadian tourism businesses and promotes positive measures that help the industry grow and prosper. TIAC is responsible for representing tourism interests at the national level, enabling the association to address the full range of issues facing Canadian tourism. Its advocacy work involves promoting and supporting policies, programs and activities that will benefit the sector's growth and development. Find out more at
Media Contact:
Krista Lochhead
For further information:
Nicole Brown
Director, Marketing
Culinary Tourism Alliance
Tel: (519) 221-2944
L’Alliance du tourisme culinaire lance le Great Taste of Canada - le guide pratique par excellence des expériences culinaire partout au pays
Toronto, le 26 juin - L’Alliance du tourisme culinaire, pionnière de l’industrie du tourisme culinaire, est ravie d’annoncer le lancement de Great Taste of Canada, le guide pratique par excellence des mets appétissants, des expériences culinaires et des saveurs uniques offertes partout au pays.
Grâce au soutien de l’Association de l’industrie touristique du Canada (AITC), Great Taste of Canada réunit plus de 40 destinations, des organisations sectorielles et des intervenants touristiques d’un océan à l’autre et à l’autre, dans l’objectif de faire connaître des traditions alimentaires toutes canadiennes, de faire vivre des expériences liées aux saveurs locales et de raconter des histoires savoureuses.
Débordant du sirop d’érable et de la poutine (qu’on revendique, tout de même), le monde culinaire canadien est un véritable smorgasbord de voyages gastronomiques richement façonné par l’histoire, le patrimoine et les cultures. La nouvelle initiative promet de mettre en valeur une myriade d’expériences que peuvent vivre les amateurs de bonne chère en s’embarquant dans des aventures inoubliables et des expériences sensorielles sans égales.
Great Taste of Canada fournit aux voyageurs des renseignements bien avisés pour faire l’expérience des traditions culinaires canadiennes de façon tout-à-fait authentique. Nous avons l’immense plaisir et le privilège de faire connaître et de partager l'histoire des personnes qui se cachent derrière tant d’expériences. Aidez l’apiculteur à travailler, apprenez à fileter un poisson avec un chef autochtone, ou savourez lentement un verre dans une région viticole en émergence.
Nous invitons les visiteurs du monde entier à visiter le Canada et à se rendre dans des lieux de délices; nous les invitons à déguster les saveurs locales, à échanger et à célébrer nos traditions alimentaires, déclare Rebecca Mackenzie, présidente et directrice générale de l’Alliance du tourisme culinaire. Les destinations partenaires de tout le pays ont contribué à créer et à nourrir cette ressource incroyable pour les gourmets et les consommateurs soucieux de l’alimentation. Chaque bouchée devient une porte d’entrée vers des expériences inoubliables.
En concevant une campagne de tourisme culinaire nationale solide, nous mettons en valeur le patrimoine culinaire diversifié du Canada et nous augmentons notre compétitivité en tant que destination gastronomique internationale, commente Beth Potter, présidente et directrice générale de l’Association de l’industrie touristique du Canada. Great Taste of Canada est un catalyseur de bon goût pour l’exploration, les échanges culturels et la croissance économique. Nous sommes ravis de soutenir une initiative qui nourrit l’appétit des voyageurs et qui anime une passion pour les trésors culinaires du Canada. »
Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le ou suivez-nous au @canadaculinary sur les médias sociaux.